
“Queen of Gems” Jewellery Design Awards 2024

The “Queen of Gems” Jewellery Design Awards 2024 is an exciting event that celebrates boulder opal – and entries are closing on 28th June.  Here are some key details about the competition:

  • Date: July 13, 2024
  • Location: Outback Regional Art Gallery, 50 Elderslie St, Winton, Queensland, Australia
  • Time: 6:00 PM
  • Categories: The competition includes categories for jewellery, wearable apparel, and objects. Entries can fall into either the handmade or CAST/CAD section.
  • Eligibility: Students, graduates, teachers, jewellers, and goldsmiths are encouraged to participate.
  • Inspiration: The event draws inspiration from the wonderfully colourful Boulder Opal found near Winton, Queensland.

Remember, creativity knows no bounds, so let your imagination shine! Best of luck to all the talented participants. For more information, visit the QBOA website.